
Monday, February 7, 2011

Pollycraft Challenge #79 Sketch & Love Theme

Whoot!!! For the month of February I will be a Guest DT at Pollycraft so check back here every Monday!  I was really happy when Paula sent me the invite.  I just love the Pollycraft images and when I found out she also sells Promarkers it was a match made in Heaven.  Both her images and markers are super affordable.  You can go here to the store and check it out for yourself. 

The challenge this week is using a Sketch but there's a twist, there is a Love Theme.  Here is the sketch.

For my card I used the super cute image "Duck Love".  I used the Tombows ABT markers with a watercolor brush on watercolor paper.  I have been asked which type of watercolor paper I use.  It is Cold Press and I always use Strathmore.  The papers are from Bo Bunny - Crazy Love collection.  I can't believe how many cards I have whipped up with this collection.  One of the best collections for Valentine's out there right now.  The flowers are from I Am Roses.  The gem swirls are from Zva and colored with promarkers.  That gorgeous lace ribbon is unknown.  The ticket is from Whimsey Stamps.  TFL!


  1. another winner. I love that lace you used.
    What do you do with all your gorgeous cards? Do you manage to give them out, or do you sell them ... which you really should do.

  2. LOVE the way you coloured in the image. And how amazing about the promarker link!
